Maple Activities



Activity 1 – Getting familiar with an example from Maple

> f:=z^2/(z^2+1);


> singular(f);

> residue(f, z=I);


Activity 2.  Confirm that Maple is right by justifying what happens in activity 1) mathematically.

Activity 3 – Construct your example on a different function to find the singularities and residue of the poles in the upper semi plane.


Activity 4.  Confirm that Maple is right by justifying what happens in the following activity  mathematically.

> f:='f': F:='F': z:='z':

F0 := z -> z*sin(z)/(z^2 + 4):

f := z -> z*exp(I*z)/(z^2 + 4):

`F(z) ` = F0(z);

`f(z) ` = f(z);

> Zn := sort([solve(denom(f(z))=0, z)]):

`For  f(z) ` = f(z);

`The singularities are:`;

z1 := subs(z=Zn[1],z): z[1] = z1;

z2 := subs(z=Zn[2],z): z[2] = z2;

> print(`0 <`,Im(z[1]),`  `, Im(z1)>0, evalb(evalf(Im(z1))>0));

print(`0 <`,Im(z[2]),`  `, Im(z2)>0, evalb(evalf(Im(z2))>0));

> r1 := residue(f(z), z=z1): `Res[f`,z1,`] ` = r1;

> `F(x)` = F0(x);

val := 2*Pi*Re(r1):

print(int(F(x),x=-infinity..infinity) = val);

Activity 5 – Construct similar work to evaluate